Journaling is one of the best communication exercises for couples. It helps you understand yourself and your partner with greater clarity.
It also lets you reflect on the good and bad times you’ve shared together, know where you stand now, and, most importantly, how you got there.
However, coming up with journal prompts can be a challenge, especially if you’re new to it. It’s hard to know where to start, and finding questions that associate with a reflection takes a lot of time and thought.
So, what could be better than having a list of prompts all ready for you?

Couples’ Journal Prompts To Understand Your Relationship
I have been practicing couple journaling for many years now. It has helped me understand the needs of my partner while also strengthening trust, emotional connection, and understanding.
Based on years of experience, I’ve come up with the following list:
- Where do you think you will be in your relationship, 5 years later?
- What are your expectations from your partner?
- Is there something you are still upset with your partner about?
- What are five things that you respect about your partner?
- Do you think you have a good work-life balance?
- What are your plans for your next holiday as a couple?
- When was the last time you cried?
- What are the five things where you and your partner share similar interests?
- What are five things where you and your partner share opposing interests?
- Do you think relationships are about making compromises? List some incidences where you did it.
- Have you noticed any changes in your partner over the time you’ve been dating them?
- Have you noticed any changes about yourself ever since you got into the relationship?
- Do you ever worry about this relationship coming to an end?
- What is the best part about being in a relationship with your partner?
- What is your idea of a perfect date with your partner?
- Have you ever been jealous of your partner?
- As a couple, what are your biggest strengths?
- What are five memories from the early days of dating your partner?
- What are some ways in which you show non-verbal affection to your partner?
- What small things does your partner do that make you feel loved?
- What are some quirky habits that you have noticed about your partner over the years?
- Do you remember your first date with your partner? List down all the details you remember.
- Imagine throwing an ideal party with your partner and describe it – list the food, guests, drinks, and everything in detail.
- What is that one thing that you secretly admire about your partner but haven’t told them yet?
- What was your first impression of your partner? How has it changed over time?
- How important to you is physical intimacy in a relationship?
- Are there things about this relationship that worry you?
- What is one thing you’ve learned about your partner recently that surprised you?
- How would you react if you found out your partner was cheating on you?
- What are your views on marriage? Have they changed over the years?
- What are your views on having kids? Have they changed since you met your partner?
- What has been the biggest misunderstanding between you and your partner so far?
- Do you see you and your partner growing old together? Describe what a day in your 70s will be like.
- What are some steps you and your partner have taken (or plan to take) for financial planning?
- What are some leisure activities that you and your partner enjoy?
- How close do you feel to your partner’s family?
- What are some traditions that you and your partner share?
- What are some things about your partner you’re jealous of?
- Do you think the relationship has one dominant partner? How do you feel about it (or the lack of it)?
- What is the funniest memory you share with your partner?
- What was the biggest challenge you faced in your relationship and how did you overcome it?
- Which 5 songs define your relationship and make you think of your partner?
- Describe an ideal Sunday afternoon with your partner.
- What are 5 things that your partner does in the bed that excite you the most?
- What are the three things that you would like to change about your partner?
- If you could go back in the past and do three things differently in your relationship, what would they be?
- Imagine you had never met your partner. Describe how life would have been like without them.
- Which movies remind you of your partner the most?
- What if you and your partner had to work in different cities – how would you make the relationship work?
- Do you think you would have the same relationship if your partner had different political views?
- What are some values that define your relationship?
- Do you respect your partner’s need for space in a relationship?
- Does your partner respect your need for space in a relationship?
- What are some things you can do to improve the physical intimacy in your relationship?
- Have you ever been jealous of other couples? What is something that they have that you want?
- How do you handle each other on a stressful day?
- When was the last time you felt ‘let down’ in your relationship?
- What are three of the biggest disagreements that you and your partner have?
- How would the relationship dynamic change if your genders were switched?
- What are some romance roleplay ideas you wanted to try with your partner?
- What are some new things that you have learned about your partner?
- Have you seen your partner develop new interests and hobbies over time? What are they?
- In case one of you falls terminally ill, how will that change the nature of your relationship?
- If you ever come across your partner’s secret diaries, what are you most afraid of finding out?
- What are some of your ‘couple goals’ that you want to achieve as a couple?
- Has your partner been a positive influence in your life? List down all the ways in which they are.
- Write a letter to yourself from ten years ago about how life would change over the next decade.
- Write a letter to your partner from 10 years ago, telling them about how different things are going to be.
- What physical features of your partner are you the most attracted by?
- Have you ever felt insecure in your relationship? List down some things that make you feel that way.
- Plan a surprise for your partner’s next birthday and write it down to every specific detail.
- What are some things that you and your partner can do that will make you great parents?
- What are some traumas that your partner has shared with you? How do they make you feel?
- List down some aspects of your relationship for which you might need couple’s therapy.
- What are some non-sexual things that your partner does that turn you on the most?
- What are some things about you that annoy your partner the most? What are you doing to change them?
- Have you or your partner ever made sacrifices for each other? How did it make you feel?
- What are three physical objects in your house that remind you of your partner every time you look at them?
- What has been the biggest romantic gesture you’ve ever shown your partner?
- What was the biggest romantic gesture your partner ever showed you?
- What are some ways in which your partner inspires you?
- List down five smells that you associate with your partner.
- During your relationship, what was the saddest period you dealt with, and how did your partner help you through it?
- Have you set any boundaries in your relationship? What is that one line you must not cross?
- If you could invite your partner’s favorite celebrities to a dinner party, who would they be?
- What are some deep, spiritual, or intellectual conversations that you love having with your partner?
- Write down five moments where something your partner did that really impressed you.
- What are some things that always excite your partner?
- Do you remember meeting your partner’s parents for the first time? What are your memories from the day?
- What are three memories from your relationship that you would like to forget forever?
Final Thoughts!
Without the right prompts, journaling might feel like a task than a meaningful activity.
When things are happening in real-time, we don’t really get too much time to think about them at the moment. However, with the benefit of hindsight, and while putting pen to paper, we tend to give a deeper thought.
I hope you found my list of prompts helpful. Write with honesty, clarity, and an open mind. Let your thoughts flow freely!
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