Trivia questions are a great way for couples to look back and reflect on the past. It is a perfect game to test how well do you know about each other.
On lazy Sunday afternoons, my partner and I just laze around on the bed and ask each other questions about our journey so far. This helps us reminisce all the good times and experiences.
Trust me, this is one of the most fun and meaningful things you can do with your girlfriend. So, are you ready to take the quiz?

100 Trivia Questions for Couples: Laugh, Learn, and Connect
The list I’ve shared below originate from the countless hours we as a couple have spent playing this game. They bring out memories of the days past.
I’ve made sure that there’s a large variety too, which covers everything from funny, relationship and wedding, all the way to personal, spicy to how well you know each others’ favorites!
Funny Questions
- What was the funniest nickname I’ve ever given you?
- What is that one thing that I love to eat but you hate?
- What is the weirdest gift I’ve ever given you?
- Which of us, do you think, has a more embarrassing Google search history?
- Who among us is the worst dancer?
- What is the funniest memory that we share?
- Which of us spends more time in the bathroom: you or me?
- What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve seen me do in public?
- Which of us has the worst fashion sense?
- Do you think you could win a staring contest against me?
Questions for Married Couples
- Do you remember where our first date was?
- Do you remember our wedding anniversary?
- What did you feel when you met my parents for the first time?
- Which of us snores more in the bed?
- Do you remember the first time you confessed your feelings to me?
- Who takes longer to get ready: you or me?
- Which of us is better at keeping a secret?
- Do you ever think about having kids?
- Had you not met me, who would you have married?
- Who among us is more dramatic: you or me?
Looking for more? Explore the full collection of questions that married couples can ask each other.
Relationship Trivia Questions
- What is your favorite thing about me?
- What is that one thing that I do that pisses you off?
- Do you think we will ever end up getting married?
- What about me made you fall in love with me?
- Do you remember our first big fight?
- What do your parents think of our relationship?
- What do you think was the lowest point of our relationship?
- Would you be open to adopting a pet together?
- Do you remember the first time I told you that I love you?
- What was the last time you were hurt by something I said or did?
Wedding-Related Questions
- When you first met me, did you think we would get married?
- What is your dream wedding destination?
- Do you think you would like a themed wedding? What would the theme be?
- Which of our friends will be the bartender at our wedding?
- Who, in our friend circle, do you think will be the next one to get married?
- Who is that one person you do not want to invite to your wedding?
- If there had to be one celebrity you could marry, who would that be?
- Would you be open to remarrying someone else if something happens to me?
- Do you want a big, lavish wedding or a small and private ceremony?
- Where do you think we should go for our honeymoon?
Personal Questions
- How do I like my coffee?
- What, do you think, is my most annoying habit?
- What is the earliest childhood memory you could think of?
- What is my favorite song to sing at a karaoke?
- What was my favorite cartoon as a child?
- Where do I most frequently order from when I don’t want to cook?
- What is my ideal AC temperature?
- What is the name of my favorite aunt?
- How old was I when I had my first fracture?
- Do you remember which school I went to?
Spicy Questions
- What is my favorite roleplay?
- What part of my body excites me most when you touch it?
- What is my favorite position in bed?
- Have I ever been with someone of the same gender?
- Do you think I am open to threesomes?
- Who is the celebrity who turns me on the most?
- What is an unusual kink of mine that you like?
- What is my favorite genre of p**n?
- What is the dirtiest thing I’ve ever said to you?
- Which of your fetishes do you want me to try?
Questions About Favorite Things
- What is my favorite ice cream flavor?
- What is my favorite color?
- Which is my favorite place to vacation?
- What is my favorite comfort food?
- Which is my favorite seat in the car?
- Who is my favorite author?
- What is my favorite weather?
- What is my favorite cocktail?
- What is my favorite popcorn flavor?
- What is your favorite thing about me?
Challenge Questions
- Can you do twenty push-ups right now?
- Can you solve a sudoku of my choice in under 5 minutes?
- Can you sit through a sappy romantic film with me without complaining?
- Can you drink a bottle of wine by yourself?
- Can you tell me what your biggest fear is?
- Can you ride a horse without falling?
- Can you name all my cousins?
- Can you call your parents right now and tell them you love them?
- Can you dance to a song that I play this instant?
- Can you sit through an entire horror movie with me?
True or False Questions
- I prefer mountains over beaches: True or False?
- I’m allergic to tomatoes: True or False?
- I have had no romantic partners before you: True or False?
- I’ve taken more than 10 solo trips: True or False?
- I’ve made out with someone of the same gender: True or False?
- I stalked you on social media before we started dating: True or False?
- I, at least once, have been embarrassed by something you did when drunk: True or False?
- I have lied in job interviews: True or False?
- I like pineapple as a topping on my pizza: True or False?
- I have broken at least one bone in my body: True or False?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions
- What is the first thing I would do if I win the lottery?
- What is the nickname my mother had for me growing up?
- How many fractures have I had?
- Who was my childhood best friend?
- Which school did I go to as a child?
- What car did I drive when I first met you?
- Which movie makes me cry every time I watch it?
- What is the most played song on my Spotify?
- What was my favorite subject in college?
- Which movie star was my ultimate teenage crush?
Important Note: This is just a fun couple questions quiz from your past and not a relationship test. It is normal for partners to forget small details over the years because that’s what the nature of human memory is.
Want to take this game to the next level? Try Yes or No, This or That, Truth or Drink, and Never Have I Ever questions to keep things interesting.
Final Thoughts!
Close your eyes and visualize a lazy Sunday afternoon with your partner. It is in these moments that you feel thankful to the universe that you’re together.
Asking trivia questions to each other can help couples gauge how much they know about their partner. Remember, all the ‘perfect couples’ are best friends to begin with, and best friends know everything about each other.
Lastly, do not make this game competitive, but enjoy sailing through the sands of time as you retrace your journey of togetherness, fondly.
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